Thursday, 13 February 2020

Howard Perch: Facts on Kidney Stones

Howard Perch has suffered the pain of more than six kidney stones during his life, experiences that have informed his knowledge not only of the renal calculi condition, but also ways an individual can take on their own to prevent stone formation in the future.

Perch is now well-versed both on how stones form and what dietary behaviors can prevent their onset.

Facts on kidney stones

Over the years, Howard Perch has accumulated extensive insight into kidney stones and where they come from.

Interesting facts on kidney stones

·         About 10 percent of people will experience a kidney stone in their lifetime.
·         Kidney stone formation is generally tied to a decrease in urine volume or an increased excretion of stone-forming compounds like phosphate, urate or calcium.
·         Your chances of getting another stone go up significantly once you’ve passed your first.
·         Recurring stones may be a sign of other health issues, such as kidney disease.

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