Thursday, 7 November 2019

Howard Perch: Stay Hydrated

Howard Perch knows the importance of staying hydrated. A regular exerciser who lives in a hot climate—and who has passed more than his fair share of kidney stones—Howard Perch knows how crucial it is not only to monitor your fluid intake but to always have a bottle of water somewhere close by.

Stay Hydrated

A resident of Central Florida, Perch takes extra precautions every time he spends time in hot Florida sun—particularly if his plans involve intense physical activity.

Now that Perch has suffered through seven kidney stones (aka renal calculi), he is quite aware of how dangerous dehydration can be and takes no risks when it comes to spending time in the heat, working out and consuming fluids throughout the course of a day.

As he knows, proper hydration is one of the best ways to avoid kidney stones, not to mention any number of dehydration-related conditions that can have a serious, even life-threatening impact on your health.

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