Monday, 26 February 2018

Howard Perch: Three Things to Consider When Looking for a Post-Acute Care Facility

Howard Perch is an experienced professional in health care administration and management. Mr. Perch has worked in hospitals and he has gained an extensive knowledge of post-acute care. He is interested in helping patients and their families find the care that they need after a major hospital procedure. Post-acute care facilities offer rehabilitation services and can help patients fully recovery from a broken bone or injury. Mr. Perch has several suggestions when it comes to finding a good post-acute care facility.
 Howard Perch
Mr. Perch urges families to look at visiting hours. The length of visiting hours for inpatient facilities can help families determine how patient-centered the facility really is. The most patient-centered facilities allow for family visits around the clock so long as the visits do not interfere with healing.
The typical length of stay is another factor to consider. Every patient will heal at a different rate, however, average length of stay can help you determine the quality of care the patients receive. Great facilities are highly efficient and can help their patients heal quickly. Howard Perch states that it is important to look into how many patients are returned to acute care from the post-acute care facility. If it is less than ten percent, then it is probably a good facility, but any higher and you should start looking into other options. Howard Perch is dedicated to helping patients. 

Read in details about Howard Perch at below profiles:

Howard Perch: What Drives the Millennial Generation

Experienced organizational leader Howard Perch knows a thing or two about bringing people together, having created collaborative work env...